The Complete Masterclass for Productivity and Motivation

The Complete Masterclass for Productivity and Motivation is a series of workshops designed to help you optimize and elevate the way you learn, work, and set goals using evidence based strategies. These workshops will also teach you how to implement and improve upon skills that increase productivity and boost motivation.

About The Instructors

Dr. Sundas Pasha is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in Behavioral Medicine. She has experience working with individuals using cognitive behavioral techniques to help with memory, motivation, and self discipline. She seeks to empower individuals by providing them with the tools and knowledge to be efficient and effective in their own lives.

Nawal Mustafa is a PhD candidate in Clinical Neuropsychology. She has received training in assessing and evaluating cognitive skills and providing cognitive rehabilitation (i.e. boosting memory, improving attention, and learning management/organizational skills). She is also a mental health educator and shares information on psychology, including evidence-based strategies on how to improve mental health.

Workshop 1: The Fundamentals of Productivity (SOLD OUT)

Hosted by : Nawal Mustafa

Date: November 6th, 2021

Setting: Online (Recording will be available to watch for two weeks)

In this 60-minute workshop, you will obtain an understanding of the fundamentals of productivity that create a cohesive, easy-to-follow system. You will also learn how our brains form new habits and how to master this skill. In addition, we will discuss the role motivation plays in productivity. At the end of the workshop, you will receive two resources that you can use to help you stay productive. The last 15 minutes of the workshop will be reserved for taking questions.

You will learn:

  • 4 Fundamentals of Productivity
  • The Science of Habit Formation
  • How to Create New Habits
  • Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation for Productivity

Resources Included:

  • Habit Formation Sheet
  • Productivity Checklist

Workshop 2: Planning Your Productivity (SOLD OUT)

Hosted by : Dr. Sundas Pasha

Date: November 20th, 2021

Setting: Online (Recording will be available to watch for two weeks)

In this 60-minute workshop, you will learn how to elevate your productivity by optimizing your thought processes and methods of planning. You will obtain various techniques that will help you recognize and formulate goals, break them down into achievable steps, and track your progress along the way. We will also discuss how motivation impacts your actions when working, learning, or setting goals. The last 15 minutes of the workshop will be reserved for taking questions.

You will learn:

  • How to Set S.M.A.R.T Goals
  • The Power of Priority Planning
  • Task Mapping and the Brain
  • How Motivation Impacts Our Behavior

Resources Included:

  • S.M.A.R.T Goals Worksheet
  • Weekly Priority Planning Template

Workshop 3: How to Increase Your Productivity [Evidence-based Hacks] (SOLD OUT)

Hosted by : Nawal Mustafa

Date: December 4th, 2021

Setting: Online (Recording will be available to watch for two weeks)

In this 60-minute workshop, you will learn research-based strategies that help increase productivity. We will also discuss how to use the Pomodoro Method and why it works. In addition, we will cover ways to maximize brain efficiency. Lastly, you will learn the role our emotions play when it comes to being productive and skills to work through them. The last 15 minutes of the workshop will be reserved for taking questions.

You will learn:

  • 5 Evidence-based hacks to Increase Productivity
  • Why the Pomodoro Method works
  • How to Maximize Brain Efficiency
  • The Role of Procrastination
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Skills to Combat Fear/Avoidance Pattern

Resources Included:

  • CBT Skills Worksheet
  • Productivity Hacks Checklist


Workshop 4: Boosting Your Motivation

Hosted by : Dr. Sundas Pasha

Date: December 15th, 2021

Setting: Online (Recording will be available to watch for two weeks)

In this 60-minute workshop, you will gain knowledge on skills to increase and maximize your motivation. You will learn the importance of identifying burn-out, how you can prevent it, and evidence based coping strategies on how to get through it. In addition, we will discuss the power of utilizing self awareness, values, and self compassion to boost motivation and maintain a healthy balance of productivity. The last 15 minutes of the workshop will be reserved for taking questions.

You will learn:

  • Burnout: How to Prevent and Manage
  • The Role of Self Compassion in Motivation
  • Identifying Your Values
  • Maintaining a Healthy Life Balance

Resources Included:

  • Values Checklist
  • Motivation Beliefs Sheet

Want to Attend All 4 Workshops? (SOLD OUT)

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